The Benoit Academy of Steel Pan, with nine years of dedicated operation, stands as an Educational, Multimedia, and Entertainment Company with a profound vision and mission. Our vision is to ascend to the global forefront as the premier Academy for Steel Pan development, while our mission is to educate students, nurturing them to attain excellence in the study of the steel pan. We are committed to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, breathing life and creativity into our beloved National Instrument.
Our multifaceted business is both service and product-oriented. We offer steel pan literacy education, empowering aspiring professionals with the entrepreneurial skills needed for success in the steel pan industry. Additionally, we provide instrument charts tailored to the specific needs of steel pan enthusiasts. To further ignite the passion for our National Instrument, we’ve developed an engaging 2D animated cartoon designed to educate young children aged 6 to 9 about the fascinating world of steel pan and its rich history. Our central focus remains steadfast on the growth and development of the steel pan industry.